Sometimes you may find yourself in an embarrassing situation as you try to remember the name of a former schoolmate or workmate. However, that is not to mean that your memory is overly poor. According to psychologists, the brain is made of billions of small cells known as neurons. Over the years, the neuron network collects and stores information that is useful in the day to day activities. And due to the huge of volume of information stored by the neurons, sometimes it becomes inevitable to forget. While it is undisputable that some people have a serious problem in recalling what is stored in their brain, this article gives five tips which can be utilized by anyone to boost their memory.

1. Take mental snapshots

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), a good memory is achieved through good learning. Good learning includes a systemic recording of events in your memory. For instance, if you place your phone on the reading table, take a mental picture of it placed on the stationary. Additionally, you may want to record some information in a note book or your computer. Some experts say that this enhances your concentration on the information hence easier to remember it next time (APA 1).

2. Jog your memory

An active memory is highly likely to remember things than a somewhat dormant memory. Crossword puzzles and luminosity websites are some of the things you can engage in to jog your memory. Other measures include trying out new things or adventures, talking to strangers or new friends. The idea here is to lead a balanced life as much as possible so that all faculties of the brain are activated.

3. Reduce stress levels

A number of psychological studies have revealed that high stress levels reduce a person’s capacity to focus, store, and recall information. High stress levels could lead to mental breakdown coupled with heart rate breathing problems. Psychologists say that when the coordination between the brain and the heart beat is lacking, memory storage and recall is also hampered. While stress reduction is not an easy task, reducing it will go a long way in improving your memory. (Stoler 1).

4. Get enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is extremely important if you want to boost your memory because it allows the brain to strengthen neuron links. Experts recommend 7 to 9 hours of sleep every day. It is also advisable to have a fixed sleep routine.

5. Exercise

Physical work outs such as morning jogging, biking, nature walk or swimming automatically increase the blood flow to the brain. Consequently, this enlarges the hippocampus which is responsible for brain memory. Additionally, exercises trigger the release of some hormones that are known for boosting memory longevity.

Works Cited

Stoler, Diane. “10 Ways to Improve Your Memory.” Psychology Today, 5 June 2014,

APA. “Enhance Your Memory.”,


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